
【Voice of GEDU】2月4日 雅思口语真题实战 两大名师联袂解梦

环球名师:Nick Yang


环球名师:Neo Niu

Confederation College联邦学院Straight “A”毕业生以及加拿大约克大学舒力克商学院毕业。雅思口语8.5分获得者。拥有TESOL(teaching of English to speakers of other languages)外教证书。多年致力于英语教学,在多伦多本地非盈利组织YMCA以及North York Community House担任英语培训师,经验丰富,非常了解中国人对英语应用中的痛点,并且能对症下药。教学风格别致,深受学生欢迎。


咱们的学生最近遇到一道题目,就是:Do you have a dream?

且看Neo老师的自恋回复:My dream is to be nominated by the People’s magazine as the sexiest man alive.

如果有一个follow up question是how important to have a dream for human beings, 你会如何作答?

下面来正经的高分回复了:Dream is the future of human beings. Without it, we wouldn’t become what we have been today. If we didn’t dare to dream, we wouldn’t have airplane to travel in the air. If we didn’t dare to dream, we wouldn’t have a chance to experience what’s it like in the outer space. In essence, if we didn’t dare to dream, we would have stayed where we were and our civilization would never be pushed to the next generation.

 关于梦的Part 2的题目:

Describe a dream you had for your future life

you need to say:

when do you have it

why do you want to have it

what is the dream

how do you want to realize it

Nick: 注意各位,这里的Dream已经不再是梦境了,而是梦想,那么有请Neo老师给我一点灵感,我来一个即兴演讲。

Neo: 没问题,那么就说你有一个未来成为音乐人的梦想吧。





Nick: 好家伙,你这文思如泉涌啊!高分演讲马上开始 (以下是为了大家更好的朗读而调整过后的文字版,和Nick老师的即兴演讲在某些用词上有些许出入)

I have a very great dream to be a musician. A few years ago, I watched a film which is about how to be a successful musician. Then I found this is really fun to be that way because I could earn much more money than I do now, most importantly, I could attract a lot of attention from fans, especially for girls. To be more specific, I think to be a musician, I need to study from the basic, which means I need to sign up for some music training programs and study the elementary knowledge about music. After that, I might try to have a part time job in some local music pubs. In that way, I could practice my skills and seek a path out of it.



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